• Travel with Cats

    The Top Six Cat-Watching Spots in the World

  • Travel Tips

    Hurry up and take a trip filled with cats

    佛羅里達 海明威故居

    位於美國佛羅里達群島最南端,海明威在這裡生活並寫下諸多傳世之作,海明威故居大大小小五十幾隻貓,花色各異 都用歷代名人命名,這是海明威的命名規則 一直沿用到現在。


    Hemingway Home, Florida

    Located at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys in the USA, where Hemingway lived and wrote many of his timeless works. The Hemingway Home is home to approximately fifty cats of various colors, all named after famous historical figures. This naming tradition started by Hemingway continues to this day. (GoogleMap




    Ainoshima Island in Fukuoka, Japan, has been voted by CNN as a world-class cat paradise. If you are obsessed with cats, do not miss this healing cat-watching sanctuary!(GoogleMap


    是最有名的貓之島,在這座島上 貓的數量比人還多,近年來因為媒體報導,越來越多遊客前來。


    Tashirojima Island in Japan is the most famous "Cat Island," where the number of cats exceeds the number of people. In recent years, due to media reports, more and more tourists are visiting.(GoogleMap




    Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome, Italy, is a well-known local attraction. The street cats here are also quite popular. Locals call these street cats "free cats," believing that cats should live freely everywhere. There is a strong emphasis on the rights of cats to live freely!(GoogleMap


    被稱為“貓之城”,隨處可見 趴在屋頂 窗台 或是蹲在門口的貓兒們,彷彿每個街角巷弄都可以看到他們存在。


    Istanbul, Turkey, known as the "City of Cats," where you can see cats lounging on rooftops, window sills, or squatting at doorways everywhere, as if their presence fills every street corner and alley.(GoogleMap

    台灣貓之山城 猴硐



    Houtong Cat Village in Ruifang, New Taipei City, has a beautiful name, "Cat Mountain City," attracting many cat-loving tourists to this pilgrimage site. The residences in Houtong are built along the mountainside, maintaining the original way of life in harmony with the cats.(GoogleMap

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